Whenever and however our customers choose to contact us, we want them to have a good experience, so we have developed customer care standards with the help of our tenants.

We measure how well we are performing against these standards on our new dashboard here.

Whilst these standards set out the general standards that we aim to deliver, we recognise that there may be occasions where a customer's particular circumstances may mean we need to prioritise something differently.

For a detailed explanation of the types of repairs that may constitute an emergency, please click here.


Our Staff  

  • Our staff will be friendly and polite, give their name when answering the telephone and show you identification when visiting you at home.  
  • All our staff carry identification cards and should always show you these whenever they visit. We will ask for your feedback after every transaction to make sure you are satisfied 

For a more detailed explanation of what to expect when you receive a home visit, please click here.

Contacting us

  • Our telephone lines are open between 8am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). 
  • Outside of these hours we operate a call out service for emergency repairs or other extreme situations. 
  • We aim to answer most telephone calls within 5 minutes. If waiting times are longer than this, customers are made aware at that start of the call.  
  • Our Customer HUB aim to deal with most enquiries within a single call.  
  • If we are unable to resolve your enquiry immediately, and need a staff member in another team to call you back you will receive this call within 3 working days. 
  • Enquiries received via our website or social media channels will be responded to within 5 working days.  
  • Remember, you can also book non-urgent repairs quickly and easily by using the repairs portal on our website. 
  • Our reception is open from 9am–3pm Monday to Thursday.  If you need to meet with an officer outside of these hours, this can also be arranged. 
  • Please note, whilst our office is closed every Friday, you can still contact us via our contact us page or by telephone.  
  • We will always try to communicate with you in a way that is suitable to your needs and preferences. 
  • Please let us know if you have any special circumstances that may mean we need to communicate with you in a particular way.
  • Following every conversation with our tenants, there is an opportunity to provide feedback.    
  • We will use this information to continuously improve our services.  

If we are struggling to achieve these standards, we will be honest and let our customers know immediately. We will always try to deliver excellent services, but if we get things wrong, we will provide an explanation, say sorry and put things right as quickly as possible.