As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining and improving our tenants’ homes, we will be carrying out surveys at all of our social and affordable rent homes over the next 18 months.

We've recently changed the name of this project from the Stock Condition Survey to the Home Improvement and Energy Survey.

These surveys are an important part of how we look after your home. They help us understand the current condition, identify any areas that may need attention, and plan future maintenance and improvement work.

It won’t automatically mean work will be carried out to your home in the immediate future. It will just make sure any information we hold about your home is up to date and mean we can plan for when we need to carry out work in the future. This will ensure that your home remains safe, comfortable, warm, and well-maintained for years to come.

So, what is a Home Improvement and Energy Survey?

We’ll be surveying components in your home such as kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors and external elements such as roofs and guttering.

During the surveys, which will take about 30-45 minutes a friendly and trained surveyor from the expert team at Rapleys will view all rooms and areas, both inside and outside of your home. They won’t need to move furniture or carpets but will look in the loft from the hatch if you have one and it’s easy to access. They may also take photographs. You don’t need to do anything to prepare for the visit, just be home and open the door! 

We understand these surveys may feel intrusive but please rest assured that the inspection is purely about the condition of the property, we’re not checking how tidy your home is or how you live in your home - we’re just making sure it meets the right standards and is in a good state of repair. 

The first phase of surveys has started. We have written to tenants in these areas with full details about the survey and what to expect when the surveyor visits.

A representative from Rapleys, the company carrying out the survey, will ring tenants to book an appointment, so there’s no need for you to contact us about that.

The surveyor has very specific instructions, so they will not be able to look at, or report on, any repairs you are waiting for. But the surveyor will explain any urgent work they think needs carrying out and report it to us to deal with as an emergency repair.  

If you haven’t received a letter from us about the survey your home will be included a later phase of the project, and you will receive a letter before that phase starts.

All surveyors will carry photographic ID and a letter from us saying they have authority to do the surveys. When we write to you about the survey we will include a copy of that letter.

You can find out more about the surveys in our FAQs section.

How does this benefit you?

For you, our tenants, it’s extremely beneficial, as it’ll give you peace of mind, knowing your home is well maintained and safe. Without the survey, you could miss out on important repairs and improvements to your home.

By understanding the condition of your home, we can:

  • Prioritise repairs and important upgrades where they are needed most.
  • Plan future works to improve energy efficiency, making your home warmer and more cost-effective to run.
  • Ensure our homes meet the highest safety and quality standards.