Equipment and Adaptations
If you or someone living with you has a disability or is struggling to live independently at home, we may be able to help you to get equipment or adaptations fitted that will make things easier for you and help with your independence.
All adaptation requests are dealt with by Manchester Equipment and Adaptations Partnership (MEAP) at Manchester City Council.
There are two types of adaptations:
Minor Adaptations - (Equipment that costs less than £1,000 that is fully funded by Southway).
These are things like handrails inside and outside of your home and lever taps.
Once an assessment has been carried out and any minor adaptations are agreed Southway will arrange to visit your home to fit these. There may be occasions where a specialist contractor will need to visit to complete the work.
Charges for Minor Adaptations
The cost of minor adaptations is fully funded by Southway Housing Trust .
Major Adaptations
Major adaptations are large scale works such as wet rooms, stair lifts and adapted kitchens. Any work of this nature would be referred to MEAP for a formal assessment by an Occupational Therapist. If an adaptation is approved, then MEAP will ask Southway as your landlord to give consent to the adaptation being carried out and will then appoint one of its contractors to complete the work.
Charges for Major Adaptations
Major adaptations are usually part funded through Disabled Facilities grant with match funding being provided by Southway. The disabled facilities grant is means tested and dependant on income or savings you may need to pay for some or all of the work yourself.
Further information
To contact MEAP if you have an enquiry you can email at or by phoning the Contact Centre on 0161 2345001.
More information on the service is available at:
Manchester's Equipment and Adaptations Partnership (MEAP) - Manchester Local Care Organisation