We want your help to make sure our consultation processes for tenants are as good as possible.
Southway is in the process of reviewing its Customer Involvement Strategy, which is a document that will guide how we consult with and involve our customers in shaping our services.
We would like our tenants to influence the new strategy as much as possible so that our services truly reflect the needs of our customers.
Our initial consultation with you agreed the themes of the new strategy and we now have a first draft that we would like your feedback on at one of the sessions below:
- Thursday 9th January, 6pm-7.30pm at Barlow Moor Community Centre, 23 Merseybank Avenue, M21 7NT
- Tuesday 14th January, 11am-12.30pm at Southway Office, 729 Princess Road, M20 7LT
- Tuesday 14th January, 6pm-7.30pm (online on Microsoft Teams)
Please email m.ward@southwayhousing.co.uk let us know if you plan to attend so we can send you a copy of the document to read in advance of the meeting. If you want to take part in our online session we will send you a link to join.
All tenants who attend will be entered into a prize draw to win a £25 gift card of their choice.
The key themes in the new strategy are listed below:
- Ways you can get involved
- How you influence our services
- Ensuring everyone can have the opportunity to get involved
- How we will monitor achievements
- How we will keep you informed of changes made as a result of your involvement
- Reference to what the housing regulator tells us we must do
Light refreshments will be available. Everyone who attends will be entered into a free prize draw to win a £25 gift voucher of your choice. We will get it to the winner before Christmas.
For more information please contact Maureen Ward or Tina Murphy by email m.ward@southwayhousing.co.uk or t.murphy@southwayhousing.co.uk or on 0161 448 4200.