Southway will be hosting an innovation forum focusing on the latest adult care technology on 16th January 2020.

Innovation in Independent Living, part of the Smart Social Housing series of events, will bring together professionals from across the North West with an interest in how technology will assist older and vulnerable people to stay in their homes for longer.

Sponsored by place tech specialists Secure Meters UK, the event should prove a useful opportunity to share the latest good practice, and learn from care and housing provider thought leaders.

Confirmed speakers include Julia Ashley, the chief executive of Cecil & Central Housing Trust (a specialist housing association for over fifty-fives), and Rob Padwick, the clinical lead at Secure Meters UK.

Karen Mitchell, chief executive, said: 

“It’s becoming increasingly clear that new technologies will be vital as we seek to maintain and improve standards of care for an ageing population, even delivering new freedoms to people. We want to ensure that hosting this event will prove a valuable learning opportunity for Southway and visiting delegates.

“Southway has a well-established age-friendly strategy, which sets out priority actions to improve the quality of life for older people. We are proud to be one of many housing providers helping to deliver health and social care outcomes which also reduce health and social care costs. We’re keen to discover how new technologies like sensor monitoring and artificial intelligence can help us do this.”

Secure Meters’ Rob Padwick said:

“This event is all about knowledge sharing to advance good practice, so lots of practical examples of what has (and also what hasn’t) worked, to date.

“I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts on just how big the potential is for technology in this area, whilst also learning more about the challenges faced by those managing homes and delivering care.”

This is the second Innovation in Independent Living, following November’s successful debut event with Optivo homes in Croydon, London.

The morning event starts at 8.30am at Southway’s Didsbury offices, and is free to attend for anyone working for a social landlord, local authority or care provider. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

To register please visit