Today, we’re sharing an update from Manchester City Council (MCC) on the next phase of development for their Our Manchester Strategy 2035 and how you, as Southway tenants and residents of South Manchester, can support their initiative.

This spring, over 10,000 people participated in the Our Manchester survey, sharing their visions for the city’s future. Before MCC uses your ideas, hopes, and priorities to reshape and re-boost Manchester’s ambitions for the next ten years of growth and progress, they want your final approval on the way forward.

An online survey is now open, and MCC is asking residents to let them know if the suggested priorities line up with what you think we need to focus on for the next ten years. To support your feedback from the survey, they’re also running a number of pop-up events across the city, where everyone is welcome to come along and share their views.

Please complete the survey and share it with any family and friends you have who live in the city.

Find the online survey and a full list of event dates and venues here

If you’d prefer printed, translated, and easy-read materials, or have any questions about the consultation, please contact MCC directly at