A 42-year-old man from Manchester has been evicted after a catalogue of serious complaints were made against him by neighbours.

Southway Housing Trust takes anti-social behaviour and its impact very seriously.

In response to serious incidents of anti-social and criminal behaviour we took legal action against at tenant living at a flat on Beverley Road, Manchester. The behaviour included:

  • Threats of violence and threats to kill
  • Fighting and using a machete
  • Possession of an offensive weapon (a knife)
  • Being drunk and disorderly

As a result of the behaviour a suspended possession order was granted which warned the tenant that he must improve his behaviour in line with his tenancy agreement, including addressing his alcohol misuse and continued engagement with probation services.

But his conduct did not improve and there were further anti-social and criminal incidents. He was arrested by the police which led to Southway going back to Manchester County Court asking for him to be evicted and the eviction order was granted.

After the court hearing Jane Gant, Southway’s Executive Director Landlord and Community Services, said:

"Eviction is always a last resort and we will always work with all parties to try and resolve issues before we take any legal action. However, due to the seriousness of the anti-social behaviour and the risk to other tenants and the wider community, who have a right to live safely and peacefully in their homes we were left with no choice but to take this action."

If you are a Southway tenant you can find out more about our approach on anti-social behaviour here