View the full event schedule here

Are you looking for work, training or a career change? Are you finding the new world of work intimidating and uncertain?

On Tuesday 6th October 11am-2pm you are invited to Creating My Future - a virtual Careers Fair to support you in the shifting world of work. For the first time ever our successful jobs fair will be moving online.

Creating My Future will showcase the jobs and careers that are available during these challenging times, linking people with good quality work, with a focus on growth industries like construction and green energy, technology, and social care. You will be able to meet with employers with current live vacancies face to face and find out about how to work for them.

It will promote training opportunities, and provide support for people in the hugely shifting post-Covid world of work. There will be presentations mixed with breakout sessions with a range of different service providers and employers throughout the session. Workshops will include current key topics like 'How to do online job interviews' and 'How to set up your business'.

You will also find out about specific support for young people, older people and underrepresented groups, like the Kickstart programme and Women in Tech. 

If you need help using the internet or getting online for this event, contact us and we will help you get set up. You won’t need a laptop or computer – you will be able to join using your mobile phone.

Tickets for the day are now sold out.