Universal Credit [UC] combines working age benefits and tax credits into a single monthly payment. Universal Credit will eventually replace all legacy benefits. If you're prepared, moving to Universal Credit can be a simple process, and at Southway we have a lot of support available to help you.

Important update on Universal Credit

Housing Benefit (HB) is coming to an end for most people. You will then need to claim Universal Credit (UC). 
If you have received a Migration Notice Letter from the DWP (Department of Works and Pension) or HMRC. To continue to receive financial support including your rent being paid, you must claim UC by the deadline on the DWP letter.

Find out more by reading our leaflet.

  • What is Universal Credit?
    • Universal Credit is paid in one monthly lump sum.
    • Unlike Housing Benefit, Universal Credit does not pay for your rent separately.
    • Universal Credit is paid directly to you; you are responsible for paying your rent out of this money.
  • What is it replacing?
    • Income-Based Job Seeker’s Allowance [JSA]
    • Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance [ESA]
    • Income Support
    • Working Tax Credit
    • Child Tax Credit
    • Housing Benefit

    Universal Credit does not include help with your council tax. You must make a separate claim for Council Tax Support via Manchester City Council.

  • Should I make a claim?

    You won't need to claim until you are told to. However, it's good to be prepared. To ensure you're ready to claim when you need to, make sure you have:

    Access to the internet, an email address and mobile phone

    A bank account

    Proof of ID and National Insurance

    Your tenancy agreement and proof of service charges

    Proof of address and who lives with you

    Details of your income, savings and/or other benefits


    If you need assistance, Southway can help with any of these steps.

  • I've been told to claim; where do I start?

    The Department of Work and Pensions personal planner is available here. Or see the Government's own website which will always have the latest information.

    We're here to help

    We can help make your claim as stress-free as possible by explaining how Universal Credit works and what additional support there is. For help with:

    • Getting your claim right to prevent delays
    • Managing until your first payment
    • Managing in a crisis

    Email connect@southwayhousing.co.uk or call 0161 448 4200 and ask to speak to the Advice Team or the Income Team if you're applying for help with your rent.


 If you need help with any of these steps, please get in touch.